Inductor de Chip Bobinado de Alambre SMD (Serie WL WL02GT27N)

Inductor de Chip Bobinado de Alambre SMD (Serie WL WL02GT27N) / Viking Tech tiene experiencia en el diseño de componentes innovadores, ofreciendo soporte y servicio a clientes globales que demandan un auténtico socio de fabricación. Nuestro objetivo es ser líderes en el diseño, fabricación y comercialización de componentes pasivos de precisión en miniatura utilizados en aplicaciones automotrices, industriales y electrónicas 3C.

Inductor de Chip Bobinado de Alambre SMD (Serie WL WL02GT27N)


Inductor de Chip Bobinado de Alambre SMD (Serie WL WL02GT27N)
Inductor de Chip Bobinado de Alambre SMD (Serie WL WL02GT27N) Files Download

Inductor de chip cerámico enrollado en alambre, alta frecuencia, inductor RF para alta SRF, excelente Q, estabilidad térmica superior. Inductancia estable en circuitos de alta frecuencia. Diseño altamente estable para necesidades críticas.
WL Series0402 ±2% 27nHμH 0.3 Ω 400mA 24 2.48GHz

TamañoToleranciaInductanciaCondición de pruebaDCR (Ω) máx.IDC (mA)QSRF

Especificaciones eléctricas de alta corriente

WL03(H) Wire Wound Chip Inductors / High Current Type

Inductance (nH) Tolerance L Freq. (MHz) Quality Factor min. SRF (GHz) min. DCR (Ω) max. IDC (mA) max.
1.6 ± 5, ± 10% 250 24 12.50 0.030 2400
3.6 ± 5, ± 10% 250 24 5.90 0.048 2300
3.9 ± 5, ± 10% 250 25 5.90 0.054 2200
6.8 ± 5, ± 10% 250 35 5.80 0.054 2100
7.5 ± 5, ± 10% 250 38 3.70 0.059 2100
8.2 ± 5, ± 10% 250 38 3.70 0.060 2000
10 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 38 3.70 0.071 2000
12 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 38 3.00 0.075 2000
15 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 38 2.80 0.080 1900
18 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 40 2.80 0.099 1900
22 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 42 2.40 0.099 1800
24 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 42 2.40 0.105 1800

Especificaciones eléctricas de alta Q

WL02(H) Wire Wound Chip Inductors / High Q Type

Inductance (nH) Tolerance L Freq. (MHz) Quality Factor SRF (GHz) min. DCR (Ω) max. IDC (mA) max.
900MHz 1.7GHz
1.0 ± 0.2nH, ± 0.5nH,
± 5%, ± 10%
250 46 75 16.0 0.030 2300
2.0 ± 0.2nH, ± 0.5nH,
± 5%, ± 10%
250 58 85 15.2 0.038 2100
2.2 ± 0.2nH, ± 0.5nH,
± 5%, ± 10%
250 60 86 15.1 0.038 2100
2.4 ± 0.2nH, ± 0.5nH,
± 5%, ± 10%
250 60 83 14.0 0.042 2000
2.7 ± 0.2nH, ± 0.5nH,
± 5%, ± 10%
250 62 85 13.0 0.075 1500
3.3 ± 0.2nH, ± 0.5nH,
± 5%, ± 10%
250 66 95 12.8 0.045 1700
3.6 ± 0.2nH, ± 0.5nH,
± 5%, ± 10%
250 65 94 11.7 0.045 1700
3.9 ± 0.2nH, ± 0.5nH,
± 5%, ± 10%
250 64 98 9.50 0.045 1700
4.3 ± 0.5nH, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 63 90 7.15 0.050 1600
4.7 ± 0.5nH, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 58 83 6.85 0.070 1500
5.1 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 54 76 6.80 0.115 1200
5.6 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 73 105 6.50 0.050 1600
6.2 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 73 100 5.80 0.055 1600
6.8 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 68 94 5.80 0.065 1500
7.5 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 60 82 5.40 0.090 1400
8.2 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 68 95 5.40 0.065 1500
8.7 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 68 95 5.00 0.065 1500
9.0 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 67 92 5.00 0.080 1400
9.5 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 64 90 4.70 0.090 1400
10 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 62 90 4.70 0.100 1300
11 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 68 98 4.70 0.065 1400
12 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 66 100 4.40 0.100 1200
13 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 62 82 4.20 0.150 870
15 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 62 85 3.90 0.110 1100
16 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 57 77 3.70 0.140 850
18 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 58 74 3.55 0.120 900
19 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 61 88 3.50 0.145 850
20 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 58 76 3.50 0.185 780
21 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 48 62 1.70 0.460 450
22 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 60 74 3.30 0.160 800
23 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 60 77 3.30 0.160 800
24 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 55 71 3.15 0.200 700
25 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 57 73 3.15 0.250 600
26 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 56 74 3.15 0.285 450
27 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 62 86 3.20 0.320 450
30 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 61 87 2.90 0.330 450
33 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 61 80 2.80 0.330 490
36 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 59 76 2.80 0.380 480
37 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 57 72 2.70 0.460 470
39 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 56 84 2.60 0.430 450
40 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 56 75 2.60 0.430 450
43 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 52 68 2.50 0.520 450
47 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 48 62 2.40 0.580 420
51 ± 2%, ± 5%, ± 10% 250 52 59 2.30 0.700 360

WL03(Q) Wire Wound Chip Inductors / High Q Type

Inductance (nH) Tolerance L Freq. (MHz) Q Typ at 250(MHz) SRF Typ (GHz) DCR (Ω) max. IDC (mA) max. 900MHz 1.7GHz
L Typ Q Typ L Typ Q Typ
1.8 ± 5, ± 10% 250 23 16.0 0.033 2100 1.77 40 1.77 65
2.2 ± 5, ± 10% 250 13 15.0 0.180 900 2.14 25 2.12 35
3.0 ± 5, ± 10% 250 35 9.50 0.024 1000 2.96 65 2.97 85
3.3 ± 5, ± 10% 250 32 9.60 0.024 1900 3.28 67 3.32 104
3.6 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 40 9.70 0.031 1900 3.59 70 3.62 116
3.9 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 35 7.50 0.039 1600 3.88 68 3.95 108
4.3 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 30 7.50 0.080 1300 4.29 58 4.31 91
4.7 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 26 7.90 0.100 1100 4.65 48 4.71 75
5.1 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 40 8.90 0.036 1700 5.08 84 5.12 140
5.6 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 48 6.60 0.036 1700 5.6 87 5.73 456
6.0 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 49 6.00 0.036 1700 5.92 94 6.12 154
6.8 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 42 5.80 0.042 1400 6.83 88 7.05 143
7.2 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 48 5.40 0.052 1400 7.25 96 7.38 139
7.5 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 41 5.30 0.080 1300 7.55 81 7.85 12
8.2 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 46 5.90 0.054 1400 8.21 96 8.39 148
8.7 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 46 5.50 0.054 1400 8.73 97 9.00 149
9.1 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 40 5.10 0.037 1400 9.18 76 9.64 109
9.5 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 49 4.90 0.053 1400 9.56 98 9.99 149
10 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 49 4.30 0.048 1400 10.16 90 10.64 142
11 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 41 4.10 0.058 1400 11.06 78 11.82 108
12 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 37 4.10 0.088 1100 12.26 69 13.2 91
15 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 48 3.60 0.078 1200 15.41 83 17.2 124
16 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 45 3.50 0.085 1100 16.37 77 18.7 116
18 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 41 3.30 0.066 1200 18.56 76 20.9 100
22 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 44 3.15 0.140 850 22.7 77 25.9 88
23 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 40 3.00 0.183 850 24 69 29.53 80
24 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 42 2.95 0.074 1100 24.9 77 28.9 91
27 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 44 2.80 0.150 780 28.4 74 34.0 84
30 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 49 2.80 0.130 920 31.5 82 37.9 82
33 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 45 2.70 0.170 680 34.9 76 42.9 80
36 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 44 2.50 0.225 720 38.5 69 50.0 64
39 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 48 2.45 0.19 680 41.5 78 51.9 74
43 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 45 2.45 0.17 810 45.7 83 58.1 76
47 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 200 47 2.30 0.24 680 50.6 77 66.9 72
51 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 200 49 2.30 0.28 660 54.6 73 71.3 62
56 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 200 50 2.20 0.30 610 60.3 74 79.9 56
68 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 200 46 2.00 0.33 600 75.5 73 113.3 49
72 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 150 46 1.90 0.42 550 80.8 69 - -
75 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 150 46 1.90 0.52 500 84.6 71 - -
82 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 150 45 1.80 0.46 510 94 62 - -
91 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 150 45 1.65 0.58 440 103 64 - -
100 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 150 49 1.70 0.54 470 114 69 - -
110 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 150 47 1.60 0.58 440 126.2 63 - -
120 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 150 47 1.55 0.72 420 142.4 61 - -
150 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 150 47 1.35 0.82 390 188.8 57 - -
180 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 100 48 1.30 1.50 310 232.2 50 - -
200 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 100 47 1.25 2.00 280 265 47 - -
210 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 100 48 1.20 2.00 280 288 45 - -
220 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 100 47 1.10 2.00 280 315 41 - -
250 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 100 45 1.05 3.00 240 - - - -
270 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 100 46 1.05 2.25 260 - - - -
300 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 100 47 0.99 2.80 220 - - - -
330 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 100 46 0.93 3.60 180 - - - -
360 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 100 47 0.93 4.00 170 - - - -
390 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 100 47 0.88 4.00 170 - - - -

WL05(H) Wire Wound Chip Inductors / High Q Type

Inductance (nH) Tolerance L Freq. (MHz) Quality Factor min. SRF (GHz) min. DCR (Ω) max. IDC (mA) max.
2.5 ± 5, ± 10% 250 80 @ 1500MHz 6.00 0.020 1600
5.6 ± 5, ± 10% 250 98 @ 1500MHz 6.00 0.035 1600
6.2 ± 5, ± 10% 250 88 @ 1000MHz 4.75 0.035 1600
6.8 ± 5, ± 10% 250 80 @ 1000MHz 4.40 0.035 1600
8.2 ± 5, ± 10% 250 75 @ 1000MHz 3.00 0.075 1000
10 ± 5, ± 10% 250 80 @ 1000MHz 3.00 0.060 1600
12 ± 5, ± 10% 250 80 @ 1000MHz 3.00 0.045 1600
15 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 80 @ 1000MHz 2.80 0.100 1200
16 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 72 @ 500MHz 2.95 0.060 1500
18 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 75 @ 500MHz 2.55 0.060 1400
20 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 70 @ 500MHz 2.05 0.055 1400
22 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 80 @ 500MHz 2.00 0.100 1200
27 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 75 @ 500MHz 2.00 0.070 1300
30 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 65 @ 500MHz 1.95 0.095 1200
39 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 250 65 @ 500MHz 1.60 0.110 1100
48 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 200 65 @ 500MHz 1.40 0.095 1200
51 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 200 65 @ 500MHz 1.40 0.120 1000

WL08(H) Wire Wound Chip Inductors / High Q Type

Inductance (nH) Tolerance L Freq. (MHz) Quality Factor min. SRF (GHz) min. DCR (Ω) max. IDC (mA) max.
3.0 ± 5, ± 10% 50 70 @ 1500MHz 6.00 0.04 1600
3.9 ± 5, ± 10% 50 75 @ 1500MHz 6.00 0.05 1600
4.1 ± 5, ± 10% 50 75 @ 1500MHz 6.00 0.05 1600
7.8 ± 5, ± 10% 50 75 @ 500MHz 3.80 0.05 1600
10 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 50 60 @ 500MHz 3.60 0.06 1600
12 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 50 70 @ 500MHz 2.80 0.06 1500
18 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 50 62 @ 350MHz 2.70 0.07 1400
22 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 50 62 @ 350MHz 2.05 0.07 1400
33 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 50 75 @ 350MHz 1.70 0.09 1300
39 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 50 75 @ 350MHz 1.30 0.09 1300
47 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 50 75 @ 350MHz 1.45 0.12 1200
56 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 50 75 @ 350MHz 1.23 0.12 1200
68 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 50 80 @ 350MHz 1.15 0.13 1100
82 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 50 80 @ 350MHz 1.06 0.16 1100
100 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 50 50 @ 350MHz 0.82 0.16 1000
120 ± 2, ± 5, ± 10% 100 50 @ 100MHz 0.82 0.16 1000

☑ Parts (3.0nH, 7.8nH) are wound on a low profile bobbin. (Max 2.41 x 2.01 x 1.09)

Características Ambientales

Electrical Performance Test

Item Requirement Test Method
Inductance Refer to standard electrical characteristic spec. HP4286/E4982A
Q HP4286/E4982A
SRF HP4287/E4982A
DC Resistance RDC Micro-Ohm meter (Gom-801G)/E4982A
Rated Current IDC Applied the current to coils, the temperature of coil increases ΔT15°C (Ta = 25°C).
Over Load Inductors shall have no evidence of electrical and mechanical damage Applied 2 times of rated allowed DC current to inductor for a period of 5 minutes
Withstanding Voltage Inductors shall be no evidence of electrical and mechanical damage. AC voltage of 500 VAC applied between inductors terminal and case for 1 min.
Insulation Resistance 1000M ohm min. 100 VDC applied between inductor terminal and case

Mechanical Performance Test

Item Requirement Test Method
Vibration Appearance: No damage
L change: within ± 5%
Q change: within ± 10%
Test device shall be soldered on the substrate
Oscillation Frequency: 10 to 55 to 10Hz for 1 min.
Amplitude: 1.5 mm
Time: 2 hrs for each axis (X, Y & Z), total 6 hrs
Resistance to Soldering Heat Solder Temperature: 260± 5°C
Immersion Time: 10± 2 seconds
Component Adhesion
(Push Test)
1 lbs. For 0402
2 lbs. For 0603
3 lbs. For the rest
The device should be soldered (260± 5°C for 10 seconds) to a tinned copper subs rate. A dynamiter force gauge should be applied to the side of the component. The device must with stand a minimum force of 2 or 4 pounds without a failure of adhesion on termination
Drop No damage Dropping chip by each side and each corner. Drop 10 times in total
Drop height: 100 cm
Drop weight: 125 g
Solderability 90% covered with solder Inductor shall be dipped in a melted solder bath at 245± 5°C for 3 seconds
Resistance to Solvent No damage on appearance and
MIL-STD-202, Method 215

Climatic Test

Item Requirement Item
Temperature Characteristic Appearance: No damage
L change: within ± 10%
Q change: within ± 20%
-40°C ~ +125°C
Humidity Temperature: 40± 2°C
Relative Humidity: 90 ~ 95%
Time: 96± 2 hrs
Measured after exposure in the room condition for 2 hrs
Low Temperature Storage Temperature: -40± 2°C
Time: 96± 2 hrs
Inductors are tested after 1 hour at room temperature
Thermal Shock One cycle:
Step Temperature (°C) Time (min.)
1 -25± 3 30
2 25± 2 15
3 125± 3 30
4 25± 2 15

Total: 5 cycles

High Temperature Storage Temperature: 125± 2°C
Time: 96± 2 hrs
Measured after exposure in the room condition for 1hour
High Temperature Load Life

There should be no evidence of short of open circuit.

Temperature: 85± 2°C
Time: 1000± 12 hrs
Load: Allowed DC current
Damp Heat with Load Temperature: 40± 2°C
Relative Humidity: 90 ~ 95%
Time: 1000± 12 hrs
Load: Allowed DC current

☑ Storage Temperature: 15 ~ 28°C; Humidity < 80%RH

Condición de Soldadura

IR Reflow Soldering
(1) Time of IR reflow soldering at maximum temperature point 260°C: 10s


Reel Dimensions & Packaging Quantity (Unit : mm)

Wire Wound Chip Inductor (WL) - Reel Dimensions & Packaging Quantity

Paper Tape specification and Packaging Quantity (Unit : mm)

Wire Wound Chip Inductor (WL) - Paper Tape specification and Packaging Quantity

Type A B H F P P0 P1 W Reel (EA)
WL02 0.81 1.23 0.73 3.50 2.00 4.00 2.00 8.00 4,000
WL03 1.35 1.95 0.95 3.50 4.00 4.00 2.00 8.00 4,000

Embossed Plastic Tape specification and Packaging Quantity (Unit : mm)

Wire Wound Chip Inductor (WL) - Embossed Plastic Tape specification and Packaging Quantity

Type A B C D E F G H J Reel (EA)
WL05 8 1.85 4 2.30 3.5 1.75 2 1.45 0.23 2,000
WL05 (H) 8 1.85 4 2.30 3.5 1.75 2 1.45 0.23 2,000
WL08 8 2.70 4 2.80 3.5 1.75 2 2.00 0.23 2,000
WL08 (H) 8 2.70 4 2.80 3.5 1.75 2 2.00 0.23 2,000
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Mejor Venta

Inductor de Chip Bobinado de Alambre SMD (Serie WL WL02GT27N) Fabricante - Viking

Con sede en Taiwán, Viking Tech Corporation es uno de los principales fabricantes de Inductor de Chip Bobinado de Alambre SMD (Serie WL WL02GT27N) desde 1997.Y sus productos se utilizan en aplicaciones automotrices y de dispositivos electrónicos, con una tolerancia de fabricación de hasta 0.01% y un TCR de hasta 2 ppm en una amplia gama de tamaños de paquete.

Con certificaciones TS16949/ ISO9001/ ISO14001 y cumpliendo con los estándares AEC-Q200, Viking ha estado ofreciendo resistencias de precisión de alta potencia y alto voltaje, incluyendo resistencias de película delgada/ gruesa, resistencias automotrices, resistencias MELF, resistencias de detección de corriente, etc., con protección contra el azufre, sobretensiones y pulsos. Inductores de bajo ruido, bajo coeficiente de temperatura, alta potencia, como inductores de RF, inductores de chip, inductores de potencia, inductores variables, inductores de chip de ferrita, inductores blindados, inductores de hilo enrollado e inductores de inmersión.

Inductor de Chip Bobinado de Alambre SMD (Serie WL WL02GT27N)ha estado ofreciendo a los clientes resistencias de potencia, inductores de potencia y condensadores electrolíticos de aluminio de alta calidad con una sólida reputación. Con tecnología avanzada y 25 años de experiencia, Viking se asegura de satisfacer las demandas de cada cliente.

Inductor de Chip Bobinado de Alambre SMD (Serie WL WL02GT27N)ha estado ofreciendo a los clientes resistencias de potencia, inductores de potencia y condensadores electrolíticos de aluminio de alta calidad con una sólida reputación. Con tecnología avanzada y 25 años de experiencia, Viking se asegura de satisfacer las demandas de cada cliente.

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