晶片电容(MC系列) (英文网页)
Multilayer ceramic capacitor , MLCC, chip capacitor for multiple sizes and material to support wide range of capacitance , extremely compost size, low inductance and hihg frequency, excellent solderability and resistance to soldering , low ESR , adaptable to all kind of applications. coform to EIAJ-RC3402 and also compatible with EIA-RS198 and IEC PUB. 384-10.
Aluminum Solid electrolytic capacitors , super low ESR, high ripple current capability, suitable for DC-DC converteres, voltage regulatiors and decoupling application.
Aluminum Solid electrolytic capacitors , super low ESR, high ripple current capability, suitable for DC-DC converteres, voltage regulatiors and decoupling application.
Aluminum Solid electrolytic capacitors , super low ESR, high ripple current capability, suitable for DC-DC converteres, voltage regulatiors and decoupling application.
Aluminum Solid electrolytic capacitors , super low ESR, high ripple current capability, suitable for DC-DC converteres, voltage regulatiors and decoupling application.
Aluminum Solid electrolytic capacitors , super low ESR, high ripple current capability, suitable for DC-DC converteres, voltage regulatiors and decoupling application.
Aluminum Solid electrolytic capacitors , super low ESR, high ripple current capability, suitable for DC-DC converteres, voltage regulatiors and decoupling application.
Aluminum Solid electrolytic capacitors , super low ESR, high ripple current capability, suitable for DC-DC converteres, voltage regulatiors and decoupling application.
光頡科技是一个以技术导向的公司,拥有坚强的研发团队,不断的致力于薄膜/厚膜/绕线/合金的技术开发,以达到微小型化、高频化、高功率密度、高精密度及低温度系数上的需求,相对于网版印刷的厚膜制程别具有优势。 而随着零组件的小型化,对被动元件的要求更为显著,光頡科技的研发及工程团队已完成01005 SMD电阻、电容及电感量产技术。光頡科技将持续利用优异的厚/薄膜/绕线/合金制程技术,开发出具竞争力及特殊应用的抗硫化,抗突波,高电压,高功率等各式电阻。 光頡科技拥有IATF16949/ISO-9001/ISO-14001/ISO-13485国际品保认证,凭借着几乎苛求的品保证系统及负责认真的客户服务精神,不断的研发创新及制程改善,大幅提升良率,有效降低成本,创造了与客户共荣的高竞争力。严格的产品品质要求,同步于欧美及日本知名被动元件厂规格,坚持稳定的八天内快速交货服务更是独步全球。在拥有品质、价格及交期的优势下, 早已成为世界知名系统厂商指定的主要零组件供应商。 光頡科技的产品已成功进入国内外市场,包括时下最流行的资讯及通讯产业,例如个人或笔记型电脑、LCD电视、数位相机及相框、PDA、GPS、手机、无线上网网卡, 蓝芽耳机及模组等手持式高频无线通讯产业及智慧穿戴应用,工控应用、医疗电子、智能电表、汽车工业及电动车应用。